Finally ! After more than a year of waiting, LiliWarrior had his facelift.
There was a real need for it. Indeed, since our launch three years ago, we have not changed our platform, our architecture and the functionality of the site.
Launched in “amateur” mode in the middle of a pandemic, without investors, without connections in the fashion world, without a real IT specialist but with a designer who dabbled a little in e-commerce design, the site was still stable and allowed us to allowed us to make ourselves known and meet you, but to really progress, we had to move up a gear.
What does that mean ? We reveal everything to you!
- A 100% new site. We really started from scratch,
- A much faster site than before, up to 10 times faster,
- A totally trendy design,
- Better presented collections,
- Inventory management has been reset and is much more efficient,
- Shipments are 100% improved with visual tracking (a small map is displayed) from the time your order is sent until it is received at your home,
- A search function that finally works,
- Dozens of operating bugs corrected,
- Complete outfits are now available according to your needs. Previously, you could only buy a complete outfit in one size, top and bottom. This is now corrected: you can choose the top in M and the bottom in S for example. This will allow you to benefit from the discounts we usually offer on complete outfits,
- We offer Colissimo and Mondial Relais (depending on the country and your choice),
- A super professional ambassador platform, 100% new, with lots of advantages, more points to earn, and above all the possibility of earning commissions in cash or LiliWarrior vouchers (your choice). We are going to dedicate a specific article to it but if you already want to register, it's here: Ambassador Program ,
- The possibility of ordering in bulk for those who wish to make private sales, Works Council sales or offer our collections in their stores,
- And always, 100% Sustainable of course!
To celebrate the launch, we have planned lots of gifts and a special event: AfterWork Lili Monday March 18 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. (separate article coming in a few moments, so you can follow along)
So excited (and a little stressed all the same) to show you our new baby!
The Lili Warrior team
Athleisure, Sustainable and socially impactful
PS: follow us on Instagram @liliwarrioroff